Personal insights from members of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group.
Alcohol-specific deaths in England reach a new peak
Colin Angus discusses his latest blog post for the Institute of Alcohol Studies exploring new figures on alcohol-specific deaths in England.
Gambling research on the rise in the Sheffield Addictions Research Group
Research Associate and PhD student Ellen McGrane shares some of the gambling research currently underway within the Sheffield Addictions Research Group.
The impact of the October 2024 Budget announcement on alcohol duties
Colin Angus shares his thoughts on the October 2024 Budget announcement and how it will impact on alcohol duties.
Latest mortality data from Scotland
The latest mortality data from Scotland strongly suggests another rise in drug-related deaths in 2023 after a big fall in 2022, an increase in deaths by suicide and little change in alcohol-specific deaths.
Reflections on the HBSC study and adolescent drinking
John Holmes share his reflections on the latest report from the HBSC study which found that English children are now the most likely to drink alcohol across the 44 high-income nations studied.