External media
This page lists blog posts, news articles, podcasts and other media written by or featuring members of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group.
February 2025, Alcohol sale rules in NI 'risk stifling innovation' BBC article about an independent review of the Liquor Licensing system in Northern Ireland which Sheffield Addictions Research Group was involved in conducting.
February 2025, Gen Z drink far less than their parents but want drugs decriminalised Laura Fenton is quoted in this article from The Times which reports on findings from their Generation Z survey.
January 2025, Alcohol app could save 4,500 lives, study finds BBC article about a study which used the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model to estimate how two alternative approaches to increasing the uptake of the Drink Less app might affect alcohol consumption, health and health inequalities in the longer term.
January 2025, Going Sober: Can we Ditch the Booze? John Holmes speaks on this ITV Tonight programme about no- and low-alcohol drinks and findings from the No/Lo Project.
December 2024, Dry January: what are the benefits and drawbacks? Matt Field contributes to this BBC Good Food article.
December 2024, New alcohol mortality data presents a bleak picture for England Colin Angus writes for the Institute of Alcohol Studies blog.
December 2024, How our brains get hooked – cue biases and impulses Matt Field speaks on the Craving Clarity podcast about the fascinating world of attentional and cognitive biases in substance misuse, the brain disease model of addiction, recovery, and future directions in the field.
November 2024, BBC Panorama: Binge Drinking and Me Colin Angus contributes to this episode which focuses on binge drinking and liver disease.
November 2024, Water Bills, Winter Fuel Payment Scam, Weaker Beer Colin Angus appears on Radio 4's 'You and Yours' to discuss the impact of changing the alcohol tax threshold to 3.5%.
October 2024, Cheap grog, new drunkenness offence and mandatory rehab: why 9 experts think proposed NT alcohol reforms would be a disaster John Holmes contributes to this article on The Conversation about proposed changes to alcohol policy in Australia's Northern Territory.
March 2024, Why do countries with high alcohol taxes still have high rates of alcohol harm? John Holmes writes for the Institute of Alcohol Studies blog.
March 2024, Will increasing Scotland's Minimum Unit Pricing 'punish' those on low incomes? Colin Angus writes for the Institute of Alcohol Studies blog.
March 2024, Alcohol Alert – March 2024 John Holmes speaks on the Institute of Alcohol Studies podcast about alcohol-free and low-alcohol drinks.
February 2024, Quitting Cigarettes: Making cessation support inclusive and equitable Duncan Gillespie and colleagues discuss a collaboration between SCHARR and the North Yorkshire Council Living Well Smokefree Service on the Communicable Research podcast.
February 2024, Youth drinking is declining – myths about the trend, busted Laura Fenton writes for The Conversation.
January 2024, Are consumers paying a premium for no- and low-alcohol drinks? Colin Angus writes for the Society for the Study of Addiction's blog.
January 2024, Forget Dry January – young Brits are giving up on booze altogether. Here's the sobering reason why Laura Fenton speaks to the Big Issue.
January 2024, No- and low-alcohol drinks – a growing market that could change public health but challenges remain John Holmes writes for the Alcohol Change UK blog following the release of the No- and low-alcohol drinks in Great Britain: Monitoring report.
November 2023, Are women in the UK the biggest binge drinkers in the world? John Holmes speaks on the BBC World Service 'More or Less' podcast.
November 2023, Building agent-based models using computational intelligence Robin Purshouse speaks at the University of Exeter as part of their Computer Science Seminar Series.
October 2023, The Price of Alcohol: Explained Colin Angus is featured in this video by the Institute of Alcohol Studies which explains how the cost of alcohol impacts consumption rates and subsequent harm, how alcohol duties have changed over time, how minimum unit pricing works and whether it is effective in reducing drinking, and the cost of alcohol harm to the economy.
October 2023, Where next for Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland? Colin Angus writes for the Institute 0f Alcohol Studies blog
August 2023, Why Gen Z are giving up booze, John Holmes speaks on The Times 'Stories of our times' podcast
July 2023, How 'drinkflation' affects the price of your pint, Colin Angus writes for The Conversation
June 2023, John Holmes discusses the impacts of minimum unit pricing in Scotland for the Institute of Alcohol Studies' Alcohol Alert podcast
November 2022, Alcohol duty explained: Cuts, inflation, and public health, blog post from Colin Angus for the Alcohol Health Alliance
July 2022, Colin Angus discusses alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic for the Institute of Alcohol Studies' Alcohol Alert podcast
July 2022, Should we have lower drinking guidelines for younger people?, blog post from Colin Angus for the Institute of Alcohol Studies
November 2021, Colin Angus discusses alcohol taxation and duty reform for the Institute of Alcohol Studies' Alcohol Alert podcast
September 2021, John Holmes discusses alcohol drinking guidelines for the ScHARR Communicable Research podcast
July 2021, Colin Angus discusses alcohol risks, guidelines and messaging with James Morris for the Alcohol 'Problem' Podcast
May 2021, Colin Angus discusses drinking trends in the UK for the So Far So Good podcast
March 2021, Why the Chancellor's freeze on alcohol duties is bad news for pubs, blog post from Colin Angus for Alcohol Change UK
December 2020, What has 2020 done to the UK's alcohol consumption, blog post from Colin Angus for the Institute of Alcohol Studies
November 2020, Alcohol Deaths and Minimum Unit Pricing, blog post from Colin Angus for Alcohol Focus Scotland
November 2019, 'What do we know about the relationships between drinking contexts, the amount we drink, and the harms we suffer?', Abigail Stevely writes for Alcohol Policy UK
October 2019, 'Alcohol taxes cut since 2013 and thousands may have died as a result – new research', Colin Angus writes for The Conversation.
March 2019, 'Minimum unit pricing in Scotland', podcast interview with John Holmes for the University of Manchester.
January 2019, 'A generation of hidden drinkers: what's happening to the drinking of the over 50s?', blog post from Colin Angus for Drink Wise Age Well
November 2018, 'A conversation about minimum pricing for alcohol with Dr John Holmes', video interview with Dr John Holmes for the Public Health Advocacy Institution of Western Australia.
November 2018, 'Minimum pricing for alcohol: Evidence, uncertainties and the UK experience', keynote presentation to the APSAD 2018 conference in Auckland, New Zealand from Dr John Holmes.
September 2018, 'Tell me more, tell me more – what's this industry-led public health initiative about?', blog post from Colin Angus for the Institute for Alcohol Studies
August 2018, 'Drinking responsibly is bad news for the alcohol industry – here's why', Colin Angus writes for The Conversation.
November 2017, 'Why Minimum Unit Pricing is not a tax on the poor', blog post from Colin Angus for the Institute for Alcohol Studies
May 2017, 'Alcohol availability in England: trends, patterns and policy implications', blog post from Colin Angus for Alcohol Policy UK
December 2016, 'Does drinking make us happy?', blog post by our collaborator, Dr Ben Baumberg Geiger, for the ESRC.
April 2016, 'British drinking culture mixes moderation and excess, our new study shows', Dr John Holmes writes for The Conversation.
March 2016, 'Using social practice theory to measure British drinking culture', Dr John Holmes at Alcohol Research UK's annual conference (VIDEO).
November 2015, 'Public health or politics: what drives alcohol policy across the UK?', blog post from Colin Angus for the Alliance for Useful Evidence.
August 2015, 'Alcohol guidelines ignore how people drink – that's why they're not heeded', Melanie Lovatt writes for The Conversation UK.
2015 – John Holmes, Colin Angus & Petra Meier discuss flaws in the evaluation of the alcohol industry's 'billion unit pledge' for the BMJ podcast
June 2014, 'UK supermarkets minimise price rises for the cheapest alcohol when taxes are increased', blog post for Public Health Topics @ The University of Sheffield.
April 2014, 'Minimum unit pricing: Effective and Equitable?', Dr John Holmes at the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group conference (VIDEO).
March 2014, 'A new approach to measuring drinking cultures in Britain', Melanie Lovatt at Alcohol Research UK's early career researcher conference (VIDEO).
March 2014, 'Is your drinking a postcode lottery?', Colin Angus at Alcohol Research UK's early career researcher conference (VIDEO).
March 2014, 'British public attitudes towards alcohol policies', Jessica Li at Alcohol Research UK's early career researcher conference (VIDEO).
March 2014 'Alcohol duty cuts make the Coalition's cheap alcohol policy even less effective', blog post for Public Health Topics @ The University of Sheffield.
February 2014, 'Minimum pricing for alcohol: Reducing health inequalities without penalising responsible drinkers', blog post by Dr John Holmes for Public Health Topics @ The University of Sheffield.
January 2014, 'Computer Modelling: All about the image?', Dr Robin Purshouse at Battle of Ideas 2013 (VIDEO)
January 2014, 'Below Cost Alcohol Ban 40 Times Less Effective Than Minimum Pricing', Dr John Holmes writes for The Conversation UK
July 2013, SARG press release on the impacts of a ban on below cost selling
December 2012, 'The impact of minimum pricing: Evidence from the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model', Dr John Holmes at Alcohol Action Ireland's annual conference
November 2012, 'Alcohol minimum pricing 'effective in reducing consumption'', Dr John Holmes speaks to BBC News
Talk to our experts
Members of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group regularly speak on television, radio and podcasts, write guest blog posts and provide quotes for news articles.
If you'd like to talk to a member of the team drop us a line at sarg@sheffield.ac.uk and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.