Lucy Burke to speak at Pint of Science festival

SARG PhD researcher Lucy Burke will give a talk on no- and low-alcohol drinks at this year's Pint of Science festival.
Lucy's talk, 'What is the point of a beer if it doesn't have alcohol in it?' will explore the latest trends in the no- and low-alcohol market, who is consuming no/lo drinks and how they could reduce alcohol harm.
She will also invite the audience to share their views on non-alcoholic and low-alcohol alternatives to standard alcoholic drinks – are they a great way to enjoy a drink without a hangover, or are they a waste of money?
Lucy will join two other researchers from the University of Sheffield as part of a themed evening 'Mocktails and chemtrails' which aims to explore what exactly we put in our bodies and our complex relationships with chemicals. Dr Caterina Milo will discuss the challenges and barriers to health knowledge, while Dr Tom Franklin will speak about chemical manufacturing and policy.
The event will take place from 6.30pm on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 99 Mary Street. Tickets cost £5 and are available to book through the Pint of Science website.
Pint of Science is an annual worldwide science festival which takes place every May and brings researchers to local pubs and cafes to share their scientific discoveries with the public.
Sheffield research shows Drink Less app could save lives and millions for the NHS
A new study led by Professor Colin Angus of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group (SARG) has revealed the significant potential of the Drink Less app in reducing alcohol-related harm and saving the NHS millions of pounds.
Health inequalities and no/lo drinks the focus of upcoming webinar
Are no- and low-alcohol drinks truly a healthier alternative for everyone? PhD student Lucy Burke will explore this question in a free online session on Wednesday 5 February 2025.
SARG researchers to present at Alcohol Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Professor John Holmes and Professor Colin Angus are key contributors to the Knowledge Exchange Workshop: Alcohol Evidence in Policy and Practice taking place in Edinburgh this week.
SARG research on drinking guidelines presented in Brussels
Professor John Holmes, Director of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group, recently spoke at a European Alcohol Harm Reduction Symposium on UK drinking guidelines, the decline in youth drinking and how to communicate evidence on alcohol and cancer.
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