
Alcohol research

The Sheffield Addictions Research Group is an international centre of excellence for public health research on alcohol. Since the inception of the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group in 2008, our alcohol research has played a key role in current policy and public debate.

The Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model (SAPM) provides estimates of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alcohol policies including pricing and availability policies as well as screening and brief interventions. It has been influential in informing public and political debate on alcohol policy and has provided a key evidence base for informing policy decisions around minimum unit pricing of alcohol. Our modelling, directly commissioned by the guideline review group, also significantly influenced the latest revisions of the low-risk drinking guidelines in the UK and Australia.

Our work directly informed minimum unit pricing (MUP) being introduced in Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland and played a critical role in the legal challenge to its introduction in Scotland. It has also directly informed Scotland's decision to increase the MUP level from 50p to 65p (implemented 30/09/24), with the minister citing us in the announcement to parliament.

Our research laid the groundwork for a fully alcohol content-based duty system. We fed into the government consultation (including research published in The Lancet Public Health) and wrote the WHO report cited by the Chancellor when he announced the reforms. We are currently leading an NIHR-funded project to evaluate the impact of the duty reforms.

Our work on Screening and Brief Interventions (SBIs), including modelling commissioned by Public Health England, helped to inform national clinical guidance on the wider use of SBIs in healthcare settings and the decision to include SBIs within the CQUIN.

We are currently leading a project investigating the public health implications of the increased availability of alcohol-free and low-alcohol drinks. We are also contributing to government consultations and providing advice to civil servants on topics such as ABV thresholds and labelling guidelines.

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Get in touch

Contact Professor John Holmes to talk about our alcohol research.

Alcohol projects and other research

No/Lo Project

No/Lo Project

The No/Lo Project investigates whether non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks can improve people's health. These drinks are beers, ciders, wines, spirits that are alcohol-free or contain a little alcohol. We call them no/lo drinks.



The Sheffield Tobacco and Alcohol Policy Modelling Platform (STAPM) research programme aims to identify and evaluate approaches to reducing the harms caused by tobacco and alcohol consumption. By providing policymakers with evidence-based insights, STAPM seeks to improve public health policymaking and commissioning.

SIMAH logo


The SIMAH project investigates the link between alcohol use and life expectancy, with a focus on socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity as modifying factors.



The SPECTRUM Consortium is a multi-university, multi-agency research consortium focused on the commercial determinants of health and health inequalities, funded by the UK Prevention Research Partnership.

Reinforcer-specific value-based decision-making in persistence of and recovery from alcohol use disorder

Reinforcer-specific value-based decision-making in persistence of and recovery from alcohol use disorder

This project investigates the cognitive and motivational processes underlying alcohol use disorder (AUD) using a computational approach. By analysing individual differences in value-based decision-making (VBDM), it aims to identify the specific mechanisms that contribute to the development and persistence of AUD.



The SYNTAX project aimed to provide evidence and tools to inform the potential scale of effects of taxation across tobacco and alcohol as an intervention to improve public health and reduce health inequalities in the UK.



The CASCADE project aimed to develop new computer models of alcohol use which draw on existing theories for why people drink and sought novel combinations of these theories in order to better explain the changes in alcohol use we observe in society.



This project examined the impact of public health stakeholders' engagement in alcohol premises licensing on alcohol-related harms in England and Scotland.



The Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model (also known as SAPM) provides estimates of the health and economic impacts of a broad range of alcohol policies as well as how these impacts vary across different groups in the population.



'Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project' (ALICE RAP) was a trans-disciplinary EU project which aimed to help policy makers "re-think and reshape" approaches to the huge human and economic costs of addictions and lifestyles in Europe.



The EDARA project evaluated alcohol treatment centres including the implications for service delivery, patient benefit and harm reduction.



Optimising Delivery of Healthcare Interventions (ODHIN) was an EU-wide project focusing on understanding how best to translate the results of clinical research into everyday primary health care.