SARG success at SSA Annual Conference 2023

PhD student and SARG team member Anna Butters was awarded the prize for the best overall student poster at this year's Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Annual Conference which took place in Newcastle in November 2023.
Anna's poster presented some of the findings from a series of interviews she conducted with people who took part in Dry January to understand more about the way in which they negotiated challenges during the month and how these approaches developed post-January.
The interviews form part of her PhD research which aims to understand the psychological and social changes which underpin long-term reductions in alcohol consumption following participation in Dry January.
The SARG team was well-represented at the Conference with contributions on a wide range of topics including:
- PhD student Anna Butters presented her prize-winning poster "Progress not perfection: Understanding how Dry January participants negotiate the potential for 'failure'"
- Lecturer Dr Inge Kersbergen chaired a panel discussion about the Gambling White Paper
- Research Associate Dr Parvati-Perman Howe presented a poster on the "Characteristics of no- and low-alcohol consumers in Great Britain"
- PhD student Lucy Burke spoke about the mediating effect of drinking motives between socio-demographic characteristics and consumption of no- and low-alcohol
- Psychology Lecturer Dr Merve Mollaahmetoglu presented a poster on the effect of alcohol-free advertising on alcohol cravings
- Research Associate Dr Amber Copeland presented a poster on "A diffusion model decomposition of value-based decision-making in regular cannabis users and non-users"
Sheffield research shows Drink Less app could save lives and millions for the NHS
A new study led by Professor Colin Angus of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group (SARG) has revealed the significant potential of the Drink Less app in reducing alcohol-related harm and saving the NHS millions of pounds.
Health inequalities and no/lo drinks the focus of upcoming webinar
Are no- and low-alcohol drinks truly a healthier alternative for everyone? PhD student Lucy Burke will explore this question in a free online session on Wednesday 5 February 2025.
SARG researchers to present at Alcohol Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Professor John Holmes and Professor Colin Angus are key contributors to the Knowledge Exchange Workshop: Alcohol Evidence in Policy and Practice taking place in Edinburgh this week.
SARG research on drinking guidelines presented in Brussels
Professor John Holmes, Director of the Sheffield Addictions Research Group, recently spoke at a European Alcohol Harm Reduction Symposium on UK drinking guidelines, the decline in youth drinking and how to communicate evidence on alcohol and cancer.
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